TDA 2.1: Child development

1.Physical development in children refers to

a)Growth and movement of small muscles such as the fingers
b)Growth and movement of large muscles such as legs and arms
c)Growth and movement of head and body
d)All of them

2.Development of small and large muscles are referred to as

a)Fine and gross motor skills
b)Height and weight
c)Movements of the facial muscles
d)All of them

3.Sharing toys and taking turns helps to develop children�s

a)Social skills
b)Emotional skills
c)Physical skills
d)Both b and c

4.Emotional development is about

a)Developing confidence
b)Expressing feelings
c)Talking and singing
d)Both a and b
e)All of the above

5.A child can learn to communicate by

a)Asking questions
b)Not expressing feelings
c)Using body language
d)Both a and b
e)Both a and c

6.Which of the following items can promote language development?

a)Riding a bike
b)Playing with puppets
d)Playing jigsaw puzzle

7.Intellectual development is about

a)Developing problem solving skills
b)Thinking , reading and writing
c)Learning to count
d)Both a and c
e)All of the above

8.Social skills can be encouraged by

a)Threading beads
b)Riding a bike
c)Playing a board game
d)All of them

9.Child learning to tie shoe lace can develop their

a)Fine motor skills and confidence
b)Social skills and independence
c)Both a and b

10.Threading beads or catching a ball with hands promotes development of

a)Emotional and social skills
b)Fine and gross motor skills
c)Intellectual and social skills

11.Making friends help to develop

a)Social skills
b)Physical skills
c)Both a and b

12.Babies communicate by

a)Crying and smiling
b)Pointing at objects
d)All of them

13.At which age do children begin to understand rules and consequences

a)Age 2 - 3
b)Age 4 � 7
c)Age 7 � 9
d)Age 10 -13

14.At which age do children dress and feed themselves

a)Age 4
b)Age 2
c)Age 5
d)Age 6

15.Between the ages of 11 -13, children

a)Begin to question rules and push boundaries
b)Become aware of the roles of boys and girls
c)Undergo growth and changes to body as puberty begins
d)Both b and c
e)All of the above

16.Between the ages of 16 -19, the following changes occur in teenagers

a)They have many friends and enjoys social activities
b)They may show interest in having a romantic relationship
c)They may show concern about the future and be indecisive
d)Both a and b
e)All of the above

17.Between the ages of 13 � 16, teenagers

a)Show high level of skills e.g. using computer
b)May experiment with identity e.g. piercings, clothes and haircuts
c)Engage in behaviour such as smoking or drug taking
d)Both b and c
e)both a and b

18.Between the ages of 9 � 11 years, children

a)Use grammar correctly
b)Experience difficulty in communicating
c)Produce imaginative stories
d)Both a and c
e)Both b and c